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    offers mothers and baby’s an opportunity to stay together


    offers mothers and baby’s an opportunity to stay together

    the Babyhuis


    This is what het Babyhuis actually does, it prevents that mothers and their baby’s will be separated.
    The Babyhuis is an innitiative as from the end of 2013 resulting in a home in the Centre of the City of Dordrecht, a shelter for mothers and their babies who are in need of special care, attention and support in looking after their baby. The Babyhuis offers temporary living accommodation, care and support to pregnant women as well as mothers just giving birth.
    We have at our disposal 11 mother-child units, spilt into three phases of intensive support leading into independence.
    Over the last years our foundation managed to open locations in Dordrecht and Capelle a/d IJssel and we intend to start operations in Schiedam (2019) and in Leiden (2020) .
    The Babyhouse should not be called Babyhouse, but Angelhouse. Because in this house there is respect for my problems, people listen without judgment and I am put back in my power to be able to do it together with my girl.


    It happens that one encounters moment in life one has to face problems which makes it difficult to look properly after your baby and give it the necessary attention.
    Het Babyhuis is open day and night for having a consultation with everybody who wishes to know how we can take care of your baby including the opportunity for the mother to avail herself of a room and peace so badly needed to settle life again. Together with your baby you can live in het Babyhuis where you will get professional guidance and proper treatment.
    Het Babyhuis is a homelike surrounding, a place where love and harmony go hand in hand offering mother and baby rest.


    • Offering (expectant) mothers shelter
    • A warm home
    • Also for crybaby’s
    • Offers security and rest
    • No long waitinglists
    • Transparancy
    • Innovation
    • Distinguishing
    • 24/7 accessible
    • Introduction via third parties or by mothers themselves
    • 3-fase treat for mother and baby
    • 24-hours care
    • Individual as well as teamwork
    • Aftercare


    The mother & child unit in the Babyhuis aims mothers to be in providing a shelter and by doing so to guiding them before, during and after the birth of their baby. We do our utmost to create a bond between mother and baby. See that mothers will get the best possible guidance in taking care of their baby, followed by re-building a social network .

    It is our ultimate goal to try to come to an independent housing within a certain period apart from a healthy mother – and child relationship.

    “Biological” fathers will be welcome after making an appointment in order to see for themselves how good it can work.


    Would you like to get in touch with us? You are perfectly welcome to give us a call 078 – 645 8 945, or send us a mail to And come and see us after having made an appointment.
    If you are interested in a prompt invitation, please let us know and we will let you have a form at once.


    It happens that babies cry more often than normal. Don’t hesitate to tell us at once because we can assist you by having the baby as a welcome guest in het Babyhuis. Where we take care on a temporary basis offering you an opportunity to come to rest yourself. Before doing so we will discuss with you in which way you want us to take care by giving your baby a safe and warm home. At the same time we will see how you stay part of this method. Together we will see to it that the baby is doing well and that you can concentrate on looking after yourself as well prepare yoruself on the time that you can leave us with your baby and make a start of a positive future.

    Some guest periods wil take a few weeks, others can take a bit longer. However all done in close consultation with the parents.

    We can show excellent results in the above mentioned method.


    Please, support our Babyhuis in a once – only donation by becoming a friend of het Babyhuis, by organising an action or by simply donating gear .

    We are happy with all gifts, big or small!


    baby op de schouders van een moeder
    The Babyhuis is a home that feels like a warm blanket. A place where I felt respected and all the space was given to build a bond with my son.

    Stichting het Babyhuis


    Steun ons en doneer eenmalig aan het Babyhuis, iedere gift is welkom, groot of klein.